My momma just spent the last 4 hours giving birth to 8 tiny little brothers and sisters but Momma nor Daddy will let us Sophomores near the nursery basket. The seventh one born went right to sleep and Daddy ran in and got Her out of bed to come help wake it up. She got a warm towel and rubbed the little thing and even breathed into its mouth and nose but the baby didn't wake up. Momma was busy having the last kitten which has another problem...Some of his insides are outside but he is fighting for all he is worth to stay with us. She went in and dug out some more clean soft nestings and changed all the wet messy nestings that our new little brothers and sisters were laying in. That made everyone much happier especially Momma.
I can't wait to see how many are brothers and how many are sisters and what color they will be. Right now they are all dark and wet so it is hard to tell. But it looks like this time they are all going to look like Momma instead of Daddy. Daddy is walking around the house singing at the top of his lungs. He is sure a proud pappa! So now instead of being 7 we are now 13 and 1/2. The new babies are so hungry I don't know when we will ever get a good look at them. For now She is back in bed because the construction noise will be starting at 6 am.
For now us sophomores will sleep right above the nursery basket so we can lend our body heat to our brothers and sisters when Momma and Daddy are out of the room. I will sneak the digital camera later when they aren't wet anymore and I will take some photos to post as soon as I can do it without getting caught. The Seniors have stayed out of the nursery since yesterday when Mom got snappy and climbed into the basket. They are on the bed wrapped around Her. But I want to go back and keep my eye on the little one with the problem. I don't know what I can do to help but I feel I need to be there just the same. I will blog more later.
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