Thursday, September 23, 2010

I see Eyes!

Last night I sneaked into the babies and was trying to see if they were brothers or sisters and 3 of them had their eyes open! When we were babies we didn't open our eyes for 2 weeks and these little ones are only a week old. I sat there and just stared at the 3 that had their eyes open and they just stared back at me. I asked if they were brothers or sisters and the striped one said he was a brother and one of the all black ones said he was also a brother. The others are still so tiny that they don't answer me when I ask and Mama has forbidden me to climb into the nursery basket. But tonight something very special is going to happen. Today she is vacuuming the floor in the nursery and putting up the barrier so the new kittens can't get out of the room yet. Then she has shut the window and unblocked the heat vent. Then I heard Her say she was going to put the babies on the floor with clean bedding so that Mom and Dad can take care of them easier and so they will have more room.  That means I will be able to get many more pictures and I will be able to play with them more.

Last night She gave us a little green salad that was so much fun to eat and made us all feel woozy. Then we all went to sleep for several hours. I didn't like the sleeping for several hours but I loved the salad. Mom and Dad said it was call nip and they had it lots before but we had never had such a wonderful thing. It kind of made up for the fact that those noisy guys working on the street outside started banging and thumping at five minutes to 6 yesterday morning and She had a really bad day. This morning She is kind of looking lopsided and I think all the banging and thumping hurt her some how.

Oh No She just flushed the toilet so I got to get off here before she finds that I have a blog sight!


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