Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Babies Babies Everywhere

She put some tuna on a plate and put it in with the new babies and they all gathered around to have some. The plate ended up clean enough to put back in the cupboard! (No She didn't put it back there.)

I just had to show you the diamond eyes I got when I snapped this picture in the dark! They are so sparkly I wonder how many carrots they are?

This was Sissy watching the young ones while Momma took a much needed break. Shortly before this picture was taken the babies scared Her half out of her mind. She was getting ready to go to bed and found the purple blanket in a heap with 1 baby on it. There were no other babies visible. After looking all over the nursery She found 2 black kittens huddled under a dress form in the room. But there was 3 kittens still missing. She hunted the entire house thinking that maybe they had managed to get over the divider with no luck. Momma came into the nursery and just licked the one on the purple blanket but she didn't show any concern for the missing ones. Sissy and I went into the nursery to watch Her move lots of things around to search for the missing 3. She had moved everything in the room she could and finally when She moved the last box she found all 3 missing kittens huddled in a pile right next to the heat vent. It was a very cold night and the heat goes down at midnight. She finally collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep after looking for the babies for over an hour!

The babies are now drinking water and eating dry food. The kitten chow used to last a week now it only lasts 3 days!
The babies have started playing in the tunnel just like we did when we were little.
This is Rocky Senior and Rocky Junior on the big bed. I don't think they wanted me to take the picture right then.
This is Momma with the babies. They are growing so much Momma can't keep them fed. And today they started to try to jump over the divider and almost made it. When they finally make it the divider will disappear and then there will me a whole herd of meowphalopes running!
Sweet dreams everyone as you can see I am having a nice one of my own!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Finally I get Computer back!

This is a video of JR(Mr. Staples) playing with his Teddy bear. He is finally back to normal and chasing me and Sissy all over the house. He chased me up the front window just this morning.

The little ones are loose! The surround came down yesterday and we all take our turn at babysitting as you can see. Okay I was napping on the job but so were they. With little ones you get a nap when you can because they are everywhere. They haven't managed to get over the blockade at the door but they are starting to really move around the room and they are using the litter pan now.
When they all bunched up in a corner She turned the air conditioner off and the heater on and now they only crawl into the corner for a sleep heap when Momma is out of the room. When Momma leaves we all take a turn at watching them but JR stays in the baskets by the door!
His collar is off now and this afternoon JR will get his staples out at the vets. Then we won't be calling him Mr. Staples any more. I will try to post more pics of JR and the babies up and around tonight because the construction noise has gotten Her out of bed and She can't fiond me on the computer!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

JR back home and normal

I knew JR was back to normal when he helped Her eat her cereal this morning. Since he was old enough to climb to her desk he has always had firsties at Her cereal and milk. When he swallowed the needle he stopped that habit but today he was waiting for her to bring her bowl of cereal and he ate 3 pieces and drank milk too! I figured how to shoot video with the camera so I videoed him sharing Her breakfast and posted it on YouTube! Don't tell Her that I did this...I don't think She would be very happy about it!

Anyway the babies all have their eyes open and they are beginning to move around so it won't be long now before they learn how to escape the nursery and start causing havoc all over the house. And once the barrier becomes redundant it will disappear and we will all have access to that room again. JR isn't happy that his nubbies are gone because Daddy and I have laughed a little about that but She pets him and tells him it will be ok that ours will be gone too very soon. Now What Does She Mean By That?!?

JRs back to Normal

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

JR Back Home!

These are JR's x-rays and you can see the needle poking out at the jaw line. We were so lucky that it stayed there rather than going down. He came home this afternoon but he obviously isn't feeling very well. She has to put this icky stuff in his mouth 2 times a day and then he will go back in 10 days to get his staples out. Now She just has to figure out how to pay the rest of the bill!

This is Her hugging and kissing on JR when he got home. He looks funny because he doesn't have his testicles anymore and he isn't happy about that either.

This is JR cuddled with Her hair bow. He needed assurance that he was home and was going to stay home for good now. The girls at the vet clinic all wanted to take him home and commented on how sweet and lovable he is. She told them there is a new batch that will be ready for homes in about 6 weeks.

And this is yours truly begging for a belly rub. I love belly rubs...I live for belly rubs...I think I will go see if I can get a belly rub right now!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

JR's Troubles

Well JR is at the hospital for thee night. The lump on his neck was even bigger than yesterday so She got him to a vet. They took and x-ray and sure enough there is a needle in his throat. As painful as that must be we are lucky it got wedged in his throat and didn't end up in his intestines! He will have surgery first thing this morning and then She will go get him in the afternoon. They kept him over night so that they could give him antibiotics by IV to bring the fever down before they operate. And She has taken away all threads and needles and they are locked up when She isn't using them.

These first pictures are of the newbies in the cup.

These next Ones are the newbies with all eyes open and me trying to steal a drink from Momma! It's been a real busy day so I will sign off for now and I will post more pictures of all the kitties later after JR returns.

Monday, October 4, 2010

JR in Trouble

I haven't posted for a few days because we have all been worried sick about JR. JR has a thing about string and threads and the other day he chewed the thread right off the sewing She had been working on before going to bed. When he started to gag and choke She came and pulled the string out of his mouth but She did not know where the string came from. Later She sat down to watch TV and She picked up her sewing and realized the thread she pulled out of JR's mouth was from her sewing and the needle was still missing!

She is very upset because JR is having problems eating, swallowing, and drinking and She only has a very limited budget each month to live off of and we are stretching it with all the food we eat and all the litter we use. Now She needs to take JR to a vet to have him x-rayed to see if the needle is inside him. She has spent the last 3 days moving furniture and crawling around and vacuuming to try to find the missing needle but She has had no luck. JR is doing a little better health wise today but now he has a really big lump on his neck so She has been crying a lot because She can't afford to get him to a vet right now! We are all upset that She is so upset and we don't want to loose our brother that way. She has been looking for a good home for us Since the young ones are so many but I don't think She really wants to give us up.

I have been busy with the camera and will post photos at the bottom of my post. Maybe you readers could tell your friends about our blog sight and someone will see it that wants an indoor kitten that is litter box trained and have lots of energy. Our only bad habit is sneaking on the computer to blog once in awhile. Sissy is the prettiest softest black cat you ever saw. Even her whiskers are black! And she has golden eyes that make her look evil but she is so sweet and lovable and playful that you see right away that she is not evil at all. We have all been trained to respond to a spray bottle of water when we are doing something that could hurt us so we are very good at obeying and listening to the word NO. But we are kittens and will get into mischief by nature.

Well here are the pictures I promised. The first 3 pictures are the new babies playing in a big coffee cup. # was just too many to fit in the cup!

The next 3 are Sissy waking up Stripes and helping Momma give bathes!

And Lastly is Momma feeding the babies and Me(LB) on watch from the red chair on the left. Well I think She is waking up and I don't want to be caught on the computer but I will post more pictures later when She is asleep.