Wednesday, October 6, 2010

JR Back Home!

These are JR's x-rays and you can see the needle poking out at the jaw line. We were so lucky that it stayed there rather than going down. He came home this afternoon but he obviously isn't feeling very well. She has to put this icky stuff in his mouth 2 times a day and then he will go back in 10 days to get his staples out. Now She just has to figure out how to pay the rest of the bill!

This is Her hugging and kissing on JR when he got home. He looks funny because he doesn't have his testicles anymore and he isn't happy about that either.

This is JR cuddled with Her hair bow. He needed assurance that he was home and was going to stay home for good now. The girls at the vet clinic all wanted to take him home and commented on how sweet and lovable he is. She told them there is a new batch that will be ready for homes in about 6 weeks.

And this is yours truly begging for a belly rub. I love belly rubs...I live for belly rubs...I think I will go see if I can get a belly rub right now!

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